CREATE TABLE City ( name varchar(50) NOT NULL, location POINT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (name), SPATIAL INDEX (location) ); INSERT INTO City (name, location) VALUES ('New York', POINT(-73.935242,40.730610)); INSERT INTO City (name, location) VALUES ('Los Angeles', POINT(-118.243683,34.052235)); INSERT INTO City (name, location) VALUES ('Chicago', POINT(-87.623177,41.881832)); INSERT INTO City (name, location) VALUES ('Houston', POINT(-95.369803,29.760427)); INSERT INTO City (name, location) VALUES ('Philadelphia', POINT(-75.163789,39.952583)); INSERT INTO City (name, location) VALUES ('Phoenix', POINT(-112.074037,33.448376)); INSERT INTO City (name, location) VALUES ('San Antonio', POINT(-98.493628,29.424120)); INSERT INTO City (name, location) VALUES ('San Diego', POINT(-117.161087,32.715736)); INSERT INTO City (name, location) VALUES ('Dallas', POINT(-96.797072,32.776665)); INSERT INTO City (name, location) VALUES ('San Jose', POINT(-121.886330,37.338207));
如上所示,可以創建一個包含城市名稱和城市位置的表。在每個記錄中,點用于表示城市的經度和緯度。 SPATIAL INDEX (location)用于為表中的位置字段創建空間索引。這里是一些定位的查詢示例:
-- Find all cities within 100 kilometers of New York City SELECT name, ST_DISTANCE_SPHERE(location, POINT(-73.935242,40.730610))/1000.00 AS distance_km FROM City WHERE ST_DISTANCE_SPHERE(location, POINT(-73.935242,40.730610))/1000.00<= 100 ORDER BY distance_km; -- Find all cities within the bounding box defined by the coordinates BOTTOMLEFT(-180,-90) and UPPERRIGHT(-100,90). SELECT name FROM City WHERE MBRContains(GeomFromText('LINESTRING(-180 -90,-100 90)'), location);