首先,在MySQL中使用LIKE操作符進行模糊搜索可能會引起全表掃描,導致性能下降。因此,我們需要使用全文索引(Full-Text Index)來提高搜索的準確性和效率。
CREATE TABLE `test` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `content` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), FULLTEXT(`content`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; INSERT INTO `test` (`content`) VALUES ('This is the first test.'), ('This is the second test.'), ('This is the third test.'), ('This is the fourth test.'), ('This is the fifth test.'), ('This is the sixth test.'), ('This is the seventh test.'), ('This is the eighth test.'), ('This is the ninth test.'), ('This is the tenth test.'), ('This is the eleventh test.'), ('This is the twelvth test.'), ('This is the thirteenth test.'), ('This is the fourteenth test.'), ('This is the fifteenth test.'), ('This is the sixteenth test.'), ('This is the seventeenth test.'), ('This is the eighteenth test.'), ('This is the nineteenth test.'), ('This is the twentieth test.'); SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE MATCH(content) AGAINST ('test');
上面的代碼片段展示了創建一個新表,其中`content`字段使用 FULLTEXT 創建索引。通過 `MATCH` 和 `AGAINST` 的組合,我們可以輕易地進行模糊搜索,而不會觸發全表掃描,提高搜索效率。
//使用Redis緩存結果 $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect('', 6379); $search_key = 'test_search_key'; if(!$data = json_decode($redis->get($search_key), true)) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE MATCH(content) AGAINST ('test')"; $data = $pdo->query($query)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $redis->set($search_key, json_encode($data)); }