首先,我們需要下載適合我們操作系統平臺的MySQL安裝版。 在官方網站上(選擇適合你系統平臺的版本下載。
接下來,我們按照安裝向導提示完成MySQL服務器的安裝。 安裝完成后,我們需要配置MySQL服務器以啟用其服務。
# Edit your \'/etc/my.cnf\' file to set bind_address parameter to your public IP bind-address=your_public_ip # Then, restart mysql service sudo service mysqld restart
# Start MySQL client mysql -u root -p # Enter the MySQL root password when prompted Enter password: # If the MySQL server is running, you will see the following message indicating that you are connected to the MySQL server. Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 2 Server version: 5.1.27 MySQL Community Server (GPL)