


Title: CSS Shapes: Shapes of Data (百度百科)

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is an essential technology for creating web pages and applications. It allows developers to style the content and外觀 of their website, and it is used in a wide range of applications, including online商鋪, social media platforms, and e-commerce websites.

CSS shapes refers to the various ways that CSS can be used to create shapes and forms. The most common shapes used in CSS are直線,曲線, and圓角. These shapes can be used to create various effects, such as shadows, highlights, and backgrounds.

CSS shapes can be used to create simple shapes, such as lines, shapes with rounded corners, and shapes with variable sizes. They can also be used to create more complex shapes, such as buildings, cars, and other objects.

In CSS, the shape of an object can be created using the `shape` property. This property can be used to specify the type of shape that should be used. For example, the `line` shape can be used to create a simple line shape, while the `circle` shape can be used to create a圓形 shape.

The `border-radius` property can be used to create rounded corners on an object. This property can be used in conjunction with the `shape` property to create more complex shapes, such as buildings and cars.

In addition to using shapes in CSS, developers can also use CSS3動畫 to create interesting effects on their website. For example, they can use the `@keyframes`規則 to create animations that change the shape of an object over time.

Overall, CSS shapes are an essential tool for creating and styling web pages and applications. They can be used to create simple and complex shapes, and they can also be used to create more interesting and interactive effects.