踩高蹺英語:walk on stilts
Introduction:Stilt walking, or maneuvering while on stilts, is a popular traditional performance art for the Han ethnic people, especially in Northern China. The shows are performed by stilt walkers who each have 2 long stilts tied to their feet, making them taller than everyone else around them.
The Origin of Stilt Walking. One folk legend about the origin of stilt walking says that a foreign ambassador of the Spring and Autumn Period (722-481 B.C.), Yan Ying, went one day to visit his neighboring kingdom. Because he was short, Yan Ying was often laughed at by the officials of that kingdom.
There is also something about Cai Gaoqiao from ChinaDaily.
Cai Gaoqiao, or walking on stilts, is another popular traditional performance of the Spring Festival, especially in Northern China. Cai means walking on, and Gaoqiao means stilts. According to the archives, the ancient Chinese began using stilts to help them gather fruits from trees. This practical use of stilts gradually developed into a kind of folk dance.
Scholars believe Gaoqiao originates from the totem worship of primitive clans and the fishermen's lives along the coast. Historians have proven that the Danzhu clan in the times of the Yao and Shun emperors (3000 B.C.-2100 B.C.), who took the crane as their totem, walked on stilts during sacrificial ceremonies and imitated the dance of the crane. Archaeologists say some oracle-bone scriptures had images of people dancing on stilts.
Gaoqiao performance requires a high degree of skill and has various forms. Usually performers tie two long stilts to their feet, making them higher than others when standing on stilts.
Most stilts used are made from wood. There are "double stilts" and "single stilt" performances. The double stilts are usually tied to one's calf to fully demonstrate his skill; and the single stilt is held by the performer so that he can go up and down freely.
The performance can be also divided into Wenqiao (civil) and Wuqiao (martial). The former stresses appearance and amusement, while the latter emphasizes individual unique skill. Gaoqiao has now assumed strong local flavor and national color.