



strive的名詞是: striving

Every nation strives after development .

The less advanced strives to catch up with the more advanced .

Don't strive merely for quantity of production .

He strove immediately to enforce an offensive campaign .

Nim strove to keep his tone conversational and easy .

He had striven for a revolution in american foreign policy .

The social scientist may be striving to find the truth .

We strive to touch upon each of the elements mentioned above .

Berenice strove valiantly to retain a serene interest .

We will strive for peace in the troubled areas of the world .

His hands strove frantically to release the spare wheel .

Murcertach strove valiantly to meet the new order of things .

The german is all feeling, all faustian striving .

They strive to retain access to the resources that make company tick .