import flash.net.URLLoader; import flash.net.URLRequest; import flash.events.MouseEvent; submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendForm); function sendForm(e:MouseEvent):void{ var url:String = "processform.php"; var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url); var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); variables.name = name_txt.text; variables.email = email_txt.text; variables.message = message_txt.text; request.data = variables; request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, formSent); loader.load(request); } function formSent(e:Event):void{ result_txt.text = e.target.data; }以下是示例代碼,用于在名為“processform.php”的PHP文件中處理提交的表單數據。
$name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $message = $_POST['message']; mail('myemail@gmail.com', 'New form submission', " Name: $name Email: $email Message: $message"); echo "Thank you! Your message has been sent.";2、基于Flash和PHP的在線購物車 以下是示例代碼,用于創建一個名為“cart”的Flash購物車,該購物車將數據提交到名為“update_cart.php”的PHP文件中。
import flash.net.URLLoader; import flash.net.URLRequest; import flash.events.MouseEvent; var items:Array = []; var total:Number = 0; function addItem(item:Object):void{ items.push(item); refreshCart(); } function removeItem(item:Object):void{ items.splice(items.indexOf(item), 1); refreshCart(); } function refreshCart():void{ cart_txt.text=""; total = 0; for(var i:int=0; i以下是示例代碼,用于在名為“update_cart.php”的PHP文件中處理提交的購物車數據。 $items = json_decode($_POST['items']); $total = $_POST['total']; // calculate tax, shipping, and grand total $tax = $total * 0.05; $shipping = $total< 50 ? 10 : 0; $grand_total = $total + $tax + $shipping; // update database and send order confirmation email // ... echo "Thank you for your order! We have sent a confirmation email to you.";以上是Flash和PHP教程的簡要介紹,希望能有所幫助。如果您是一名新手,我建議您先學習Flash和PHP的基礎知識,然后再進行更高級的開發。祝您好運!