
c 鏈接oracle 64

C語言是一門高效且廣泛使用的編程語言,而Oracle 64是一個非常可靠的數據庫系統,連接兩者可以為開發者設計高效、功能強大的應用程序提供良好的基礎。下面我們將詳細介紹如何使用C語言連接Oracle 64數據庫。 連接Oracle 64的準備工作 在使用C語言連接Oracle 64之前,我們需要進行一些準備工作。首先,我們需要安裝Oracle 64的客戶端,然后添加相關的環境變量。其次,我們需要創建一個數據庫用戶,并為該用戶授予訪問權限。最后,我們需要安裝ODBC驅動程序,該驅動程序可以允許C語言與Oracle 64數據庫之間進行通信。 連接Oracle 64的代碼示例 下面的代碼示例使用了ODBC API和C語言函數庫來連接Oracle 64數據庫。在此之前,我們需要輸入數據庫用戶的名稱和密碼,然后打開一個ODBC連接,最后執行SQL語句和返回結果。 ``` #include#include#include#include#includeint main() { SQLHENV env; SQLHDBC dbc; SQLHSTMT stmt; SQLRETURN ret; /* Allocate an environment handle */ ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &env); if (ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to allocate an environment handle\n"); return ret; } /* Set the ODBC version environment attribute */ ret = SQLSetEnvAttr(env, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void*)SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0); if (ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to set the ODBC version environment attribute\n"); return ret; } /* Allocate a connection handle */ ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, env, &dbc); if (ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to allocate a connection handle\n"); return ret; } /* Connect to the data source */ ret = SQLConnect(dbc, "mydsn", SQL_NTS, "myusername", SQL_NTS, "mypassword", SQL_NTS); if (ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to connect to the data source\n"); return ret; } /* Allocate a statement handle */ ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, dbc, &stmt); if (ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to allocate a statement handle\n"); return ret; } /* Execute a SELECT statement */ ret = SQLExecDirect(stmt, "SELECT * FROM mytable", SQL_NTS); if (ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to execute the SELECT statement\n"); return ret; } /* Fetch data from the plan table */ while (1) { SQLLEN rows_fetched; SQLCHAR column1[50], column2[50]; ret = SQLFetch(stmt); if (ret == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) { break; } if (ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to fetch data from the plan table\n"); return ret; } /* Get the values of the first two columns in the current row */ ret = SQLGetData(stmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, column1, sizeof(column1), NULL); if (ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to get the value of the first column\n"); return ret; } ret = SQLGetData(stmt, 2, SQL_C_CHAR, column2, sizeof(column2), NULL); if (ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to get the value of the second column\n"); return ret; } printf("%s, %s\n", column1, column2); } /* Free the statement handle */ ret = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt); if (ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to free the statement handle\n"); return ret; } /* Disconnect from the data source */ ret = SQLDisconnect(dbc); if (ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to disconnect from the data source\n"); return ret; } /* Free the connection handle */ ret = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, dbc); if (ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to free the connection handle\n"); return ret; } /* Free the environment handle */ ret = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, env); if (ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { printf("Unable to free the environment handle\n"); return ret; } return 0; } ``` 總結 在本文中,我們針對C語言如何連接Oracle 64數據庫進行了介紹。首先,我們需要進行一些準備工作,包括安裝Oracle 64客戶端、添加環境變量、創建數據庫用戶等。然后,我們使用ODBC API和C語言函數庫來連接數據庫并執行SQL語句。希望本文能對您在使用C語言連接Oracle 64數據庫時提供幫助。