C語言和Oracle數據庫是目前應用十分廣泛的兩種技術, 二者的組合將能夠為開發人員提供更多豐富的開發工具和解決方案。 在實際開發中,使用C語言和Oracle數據庫來操作圖像數據是開發人員經常會遇到的問題,本文將詳細介紹如何使用C語言和Oracle數據庫來處理和操作圖像數據。
#include上述代碼使用了JPEG庫來讀入圖片,并將獲取的數據轉化為BLOB數據類型,然后將其寫入到Oracle數據庫中。這里需要注意的是使用OCI API來綁定Blob類型的數據,同時需要分配相應的行對象和Blob對象,視情況需要使用OCILobTrim等API來截斷情況超過指定大小的Blob對象。 總之,C語言和Oracle數據庫是非常有潛力的開發工具和技術,通過聯合使用他們,開發人員可以從中獲得最好的結果。尤其是在處理圖像數據方面,他們之間的結合將為您帶來極高的處理效率,為您的開發工作注入新活力。#include #include #include void read_jpeg_to_blob(OCIEnv *envhp, OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIServer *srvhp, OCIError *errhp, char *jpeg_filename, char *table_name) { typedef struct { OCIStmt *stmthp; OCIBlob *blob; } stmt_handle; stmt_handle handles; FILE *fp = NULL; struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo = {0}; struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr = {0}; JSAMPROW row_pointer[1]; int row_stride = 0, height = 0, width = 0, pixel_size = 0; long pixel_count = 0; unsigned char *raw_image = NULL; int status = 0; // Open JPEG file fp = fopen(jpeg_filename, "rb"); if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open JPEG file\n"); return; } // Setup error handling cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr); jpeg_create_decompress(&cinfo); // Read JPEG file jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, fp); jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE); jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo); // Allocate memory for decompressed image width = cinfo.output_width; height = cinfo.output_height; pixel_size = cinfo.output_components; pixel_count = width * height * pixel_size; row_stride = width * pixel_size; raw_image = (unsigned char*)malloc(pixel_count); // Read rows of decompressed image while (cinfo.output_scanline< height) { row_pointer[0] = &raw_image[cinfo.output_scanline * row_stride]; jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, row_pointer, 1); } // Cleanup JPEG processing jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo); jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); fclose(fp); // Write raw image data to Oracle database BLOB field OCIHandleAlloc(envhp, (void**)&handles.stmthp, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, 0, NULL); status = OCIStmtPrepare(handles.stmthp, errhp, (const OraText*) "INSERT INTO %s (IMAGE) VALUES (:1)", strlen("INSERT INTO %s (IMAGE) VALUES (:1)")); if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't prepare INSERT statement\n"); return; } OCIHandleAlloc(envhp, (void**)&handles.blob, OCI_HTYPE_BLOB, 0, NULL); status = OCIBindByName(handles.stmthp, (OCIBind**)&handles.blob, errhp, (const OraText*)":1", strlen(":1"), handles.blob, -1, SQLT_BLOB, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, OCI_DEFAULT); if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't bind BLOB parameter\n"); return; } OCILobWrite(svchp, errhp, handles.blob, &pixel_count, 1, (void*)raw_image, pixel_count, OCI_ONE_PIECE, NULL, NULL, 0, SQLCS_IMPLICIT); status = OCIStmtExecute(svchp, handles.stmthp, errhp, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS); if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't execute INSERT statement\n"); return; } }