


我試圖給圖像設定一個起點和終點。我有畫布和圖像,當我將圖像放入畫布時,我希望當我懸停在起點/終點時,它會點亮一個紅色的小圓圈,這意味著我可以創(chuàng)建與其他圖像的連接。例如:1)拖動圖像。2)將圖像放入畫布中。3)懸停到起點/終點,一個小紅點亮起。As you can see, the red dots that only appear on hover

如你所見,只在懸停時出現(xiàn)的紅點。另一個問題,但如果你解決了第一個很酷,圖像不遵循格柵(廣場)。 這是一個html/js的例子

const resistor = document.getElementById('component_circuit_resistor');
const condensator = document.getElementById('component_circuit_condensator');
const tranistor = document.getElementById('component_circuit_tranistor');
const alimentator = document.getElementById('component_circuit_alimentator');
const circuit = document.getElementById('components_circuit');
const back_button = document.getElementById('back-button');
const clear_button = document.getElementById('clear-button');
const draggable = document.querySelectorAll('.draggable');
const container = document.querySelectorAll('.container');
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const foward_button = document.getElementById('foward-button');

const draggableImages = document.querySelectorAll('img[draggable]');

for (let i = 0; i < draggableImages.length; i++)
  draggableImages[i].ondragstart = (ev) => {
    ev.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', i.toString());

canvas.ondragover = (ev) => ev.preventDefault(); // IMPORTANT

const orderStack = [];
const deletedOrderStack = [];

const drawnImageData = [];
const deletedImageData = [];

canvas.ondrop = (ev) => {
  const index = parseInt(ev.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain'));
  const img = draggableImages[index];
  const x = ev.clientX - canvas.offsetLeft - img.width / 2;
  const y = ev.clientY - canvas.offsetTop - img.height / 2;
  const squareSize = 10; // adjust this to match the size of your squares
  const maxSize = 75; // maximum size of the image
  const aspectRatio = img.width / img.height;
  let width = maxSize;
  let height = maxSize / aspectRatio;
  if (height > maxSize) {
    height = maxSize;
    width = height * aspectRatio;
  const snappedX = Math.round(x / squareSize) * squareSize;
  const snappedY = Math.round(y / squareSize) * squareSize;
  ctx.drawImage(img, snappedX, snappedY, width, height);
  drawnImageData.push(ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height));
  deletedImageData.length = 0;
  deletedOrderStack.length = 0;
  back_button.disabled = false;
  back_button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
  clear_button.disabled = false;
  clear_button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
  foward_button.disabled = true;
  foward_button.style.cursor = 'not-allowed';
  return false;

clear_button.disabled = true;
clear_button.style.cursor = 'not-allowed';
foward_button.disabled = true;
foward_button.style.cursor = 'not-allowed';
back_button.disabled = true;
back_button.style.cursor = 'not-allowed';
/** EDIT END */

canvas.width = 1900;

canvas.height = 1000;
canvas.style.backgroundColor = 'white';
canvas.style.borderRadius = '10px';
canvas.style.marginLeft = 'auto';
canvas.style.marginRight = 'auto';
canvas.style.display = 'block';
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

//const circles = [];
const lines = [];
const lines_c = [];
var deletedLines = [];

function drawSquares() {
  const squareSize = 10;
  const numColumns = Math.floor(canvas.width / squareSize);
  const numRows = Math.floor(canvas.height / squareSize);

  ctx.fillStyle = "#FAF9F9";
  ctx.strokeStyle = "#F4F1F0";
  ctx.lineWidth = 1;

  for (let i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < numRows; j++) {
      const x = i * squareSize;
      const y = j * squareSize;

      if (i % 10 === 0 && j % 10 === 0) {
        ctx.lineWidth = 2.6;
        ctx.fillStyle = "#F1ECEB";
        ctx.strokeStyle = "#E6E0DE"; // set the stroke color to a darker shade
        ctx.strokeRect(x, y, squareSize * 10, squareSize * 10);
        ctx.fillStyle = "#F4F1F0";
        ctx.strokeStyle = "#F4F1F0"; // reset the stroke color
        ctx.lineWidth = 1;
      } else {
        ctx.strokeRect(x, y, squareSize, squareSize);


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet"  />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <!-- <title>From Circuit to Breadboard</title> -->
    <div class="container">
        <div class="components">
            <div id="components_circuit">
                <h3 id ="h3_componenti_circuit">Componenti:</h3>
                    <ul id="components_circuit_border">
                        <li><img id ="component_circuit_resistor" src="https://www.elprocus.com/wp-content/uploads/Resistor-Symbol-768x288.png" height="50" draggable="true"></li>
                        <li><img id = "component_circuit_condensator" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6d/Capacitor_Symbol_alternative.svg/1280px-Capacitor_Symbol_alternative.svg.png" height="50" draggable="true"></li>
                        <li><img id="component_circuit_transistor" src="images/circuit_transistor.png" height="50" draggable="true"></li>
                        <li><img id="component_circuit_alimentator" src="images/circuit_alimentator.png" height="50" draggable="true"></li>
                <div class = "elementi_disegno">
                    <h1 id ="h1_disegna">Disegna il tuo circuito!</h1>
                <button id="back-button">Indietro
                    <span class="material-symbols-outlined">undo</span>
                <button id="foward-button">Avanti
                    <span class="material-symbols-outlined">redo</span>
                <button id="clear-button">Clear All
                    <span class="material-symbols-outlined">delete</span>
                <canvas id = "canvas" class = "dropzone"></canvas>
    <script src="script.js"></script>

您可以跟蹤數(shù)組中圖像的x和y,并遍歷數(shù)組以檢查鼠標指針是否距離任何對象一定距離,如果是,則畫一個圓, 在遠程映像中,連接位于兩邊的中間點。如果您計劃添加兩個以上顯示的映像(Idk關于本地托管的映像),并且具有不同的開始和結束點,您將需要根據(jù)映像更改值,但是使用當前設置,您可以對其進行硬編碼,以下是我的實現(xiàn):

const resistor = document.getElementById('component_circuit_resistor');
const condensator = document.getElementById('component_circuit_condensator');
const tranistor = document.getElementById('component_circuit_tranistor');
const alimentator = document.getElementById('component_circuit_alimentator');
const circuit = document.getElementById('components_circuit');
const back_button = document.getElementById('back-button');
const clear_button = document.getElementById('clear-button');
const draggable = document.querySelectorAll('.draggable');
const container = document.querySelectorAll('.container');
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const foward_button = document.getElementById('foward-button');
let images = [];

const draggableImages = document.querySelectorAll('img[draggable]');

for (let i = 0; i < draggableImages.length; i++)
  draggableImages[i].ondragstart = (ev) => {
    ev.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', i.toString());

canvas.ondragover = (ev) => ev.preventDefault(); // IMPORTANT

const orderStack = [];
const deletedOrderStack = [];

const drawnImageData = [];
const deletedImageData = [];
canvas.ondrop = (ev) => {
    const index = parseInt(ev.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain'));
    const img = draggableImages[index];
    const x = ev.clientX - canvas.offsetLeft - img.width / 2;
    const y = ev.clientY - canvas.offsetTop - img.height / 2;
    const squareSize = 10; // adjust this to match the size of your squares

    const maxSize = 75; // maximum size of the image
    const aspectRatio = img.width / img.height;
    let width = maxSize;
    let height = maxSize / aspectRatio;
    if (height > maxSize) {
      height = maxSize;
      width = height * aspectRatio;
    const snappedX = Math.round(x / squareSize) * squareSize;
    const snappedY = Math.round(y / squareSize) * squareSize;
    ctx.drawImage(img, snappedX, snappedY, width, height);
    images.push({ img, x: snappedX, y: snappedY, width, height });
    // Add the image and its position to the images array


clear_button.disabled = true;
clear_button.style.cursor = 'not-allowed';
foward_button.disabled = true;
foward_button.style.cursor = 'not-allowed';
back_button.disabled = true;
back_button.style.cursor = 'not-allowed';
/** EDIT END */

canvas.width = 1900;

canvas.height = 1000;
canvas.style.backgroundColor = 'white';
canvas.style.borderRadius = '10px';
canvas.style.marginLeft = 'auto';
canvas.style.marginRight = 'auto';
canvas.style.display = 'block';
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

//const circles = [];
const lines = [];
const lines_c = [];
var deletedLines = [];

function drawSquares() {
  const squareSize = 10;
  const numColumns = Math.floor(canvas.width / squareSize);
  const numRows = Math.floor(canvas.height / squareSize);

  ctx.fillStyle = "#FAF9F9";
  ctx.strokeStyle = "#F4F1F0";
  ctx.lineWidth = 1;

  for (let i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < numRows; j++) {
      const x = i * squareSize;
      const y = j * squareSize;

      if (i % 10 === 0 && j % 10 === 0) {
        ctx.lineWidth = 2.6;
        ctx.fillStyle = "#F1ECEB";
        ctx.strokeStyle = "#E6E0DE"; // set the stroke color to a darker shade
        ctx.strokeRect(x, y, squareSize * 10, squareSize * 10);
        ctx.fillStyle = "#F4F1F0";
        ctx.strokeStyle = "#F4F1F0"; // reset the stroke color
        ctx.lineWidth = 1;
      } else {
        ctx.strokeRect(x, y, squareSize, squareSize);


// Add a mousemove event to the canvas to show the red dot
  const redDotRadius = 5; // The radius of the red dots
  const hoverDistance = 10; // The distance from a point at which to show the dot

canvas.onmousemove = (ev) => {
    const mouseX = ev.clientX - canvas.offsetLeft;
    const mouseY = ev.clientY - canvas.offsetTop;
    // Clear the canvas and redraw everything
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
      let image = images[i];
      ctx.drawImage(image.img, image.x, image.y, image.width, image.height);
    // Check if the mouse is near a starting or ending point
    for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
      let image = images[i];
      let startX = image.x+5;
      let startY = image.y + image.height/2;
      let endX = image.x + image.width -5;
      let endY = image.y + image.height/2;
      if (Math.abs(mouseX - startX) < hoverDistance && Math.abs(mouseY - startY) < hoverDistance) {
        // Near the starting point, draw a red dot
        ctx.arc(startX, startY, redDotRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
        ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
      } else if (Math.abs(mouseX - endX) < hoverDistance && Math.abs(mouseY - endY) < hoverDistance) {
        // Near the ending point, draw a red dot
        ctx.arc(endX, endY, redDotRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
        ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
