設計中的兩件事沒有成功地幫助我。 當然,花了幾個小時去理解CSS是如何工作的,我也沒有找到解決方案。
// Function to update the date of Netanya
function updateDateNetanya() {
var dateNetanyaElement = document.getElementById("dateNetanya");
var date = new Date();
var options = {
day: "numeric",
month: "numeric",
var formattedDate = date.toLocaleDateString("en-GB", options);
dateNetanyaElement.textContent = formattedDate;
// Fonction pour mettre à jour l'heure de Netanya
function updateHeureNetanya() {
var heureNetanyaElement = document.getElementById("heureNetanya");
var date = new Date();
var options = {
hour: "2-digit",
minute: "2-digit",
second: "2-digit",
}; // Add 'second' option
var formattedTime = date.toLocaleTimeString("en-GB", options);
heureNetanyaElement.textContent = formattedTime;
// Function to update the Shabbat timings
function updateHorairesChabat() {
var parashaSemaineElement = document.getElementById("parashaSemaine");
var horairesChabatElement = document.getElementById("horairesChabat");
// Sending a request to the hebcal API to get the Shabbat information
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {
var parashaSemaine = data.items[1].hebrew; // Hebrew portion of the Torah
var hebStart = data.items[0].title.slice(-5); //start of the shabbat
var hebEnd = data.items[2].title.slice(-5); //end of the shabbat
var horairesChabat =
hebStart + " : ????? " + "<br>" + hebEnd + " : ????? "; // Start and end of Shabbat in Hebrew
parashaSemaineElement.innerHTML = parashaSemaine;
horairesChabatElement.innerHTML = horairesChabat;
.catch((error) => {
console.log("Error retrieving Shabbat information:", error);
// Function to update the events and courses
function updateEventsAndCourses() {
var box4Element = document.getElementById("box4");
var box6Element = document.getElementById("box6");
var box7Element = document.getElementById("box7");
var box8Element = document.getElementById("box8");
// Swap the content of box4 and box7
var temp4 = box4Element.innerHTML;
box4Element.innerHTML = box7Element.innerHTML;
box7Element.innerHTML = temp4;
// Swap the content of box6 and box8
var temp6 = box6Element.innerHTML;
box6Element.innerHTML = box8Element.innerHTML;
box8Element.innerHTML = temp6;
// Update the elements on page load
// Update the elements every 24 hours
setInterval(updateDateNetanya, 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
setInterval(updateHeureNetanya, 1000);
setInterval(updateHorairesChabat, 60 * 60 * 1000);
setInterval(updateEventsAndCourses, 8 * 1000);
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<title>Ets Haim</title>
<div class="container">
<div class="box box1">
<!-- élément 1: Date de Netanya -->
<p id="dateNetanya"></p>
<div class="box box2">
<!-- élément 2: Heure de Netanya -->
<p id="heureNetanya"></p>
<div class="box box3">
<!-- élément 3: Mois hébra?que avec le jour -->
<p id="moisHebraique">
<script src="https://www.hebcal.com/etc/hdate-he.js"></script>
<div class="box box4">
<!-- élément 4: Horaires de Chabat -->
<div id="box4">
<span> ???</span>
<p id="parashaSemaine"></p>
<p id="horairesChabat"></p>
<span id="minhaerevshabat">19:15</span> : ???? ??? ??? <br>
<span id="shabatshaharit1">08:00</span> : ????? <br>
<span id="shabatshaharit2">08:30</span> : 2 ????? <br>
<span id="shabatshiour">18:00</span> : ?????<br>
<span id="shabatminha">19:00</span> : ???? <br>
<span id="shabatarvit">20:00</span> : ?????
<div class="box box5">
<!-- élément 5: Photo -->
<img src="1.png" class="img-container" alt="Photo">
<div class="box box6">
<!-- élément 6: Offices de la semaine -->
<div id="box6">
<p id="officesSemaine">
<span id="shaharit1">07:00</span> : ????? <br>
<!-- <span id="shaharit2">07:30</span> : 2 ????? <br> -->
<!-- <span id="minha1">13:00</span> : ???? ?????<br>-->
<span id="minha2">19:25</span> : ???? ????<br>
<span id="arvit">20:00</span> : ?????
<div class="box box7">
<!-- élément 7: ??????? -->
<div id="box7">
<span id="events">??????? ??????</span>
<div class="box box8">
<!-- élément 8: ??????? -->
<div id="box8">
<span id="courses">??????? ?????</span>