# 導入相應模塊 import dingtalk.api as api import dingtalk from dingtalk.exceptions import EnterpriseUnauthorizedException # 獲取Access Token dingtalk.set_corp_id('yourcorpId') dingtalk.set_corp_secret('yourcorpSecret') access_token = api.get_caller_token() # 獲取任務詳情 task_id = 123456 try: task_detail = api.get('https://oapi.dingtalk.com/topapi/workrecord/getbyid?access_token={}&query_param={}'.format(access_token, {"biz_id": task_id})) except EnterpriseUnauthorizedException as e: print('Get task detail failed with error:', e.get_error_message()) # 創建任務 json_data = { "userid": "userid", "create_time": "2022-06-28 09:00:00", "title": "Python DingTalk Tasks", "url": "https://github.com/", "formItemList": [ { "title": "Task Descriptions", "content": "Use Python To Create A Nice DingTalk Task" }, { "title": "Task Comments", "content": "It is such a fun and easy way to create tasks with Python" } ] } try: api.post('https://oapi.dingtalk.com/topapi/workrecord/add?access_token={}'.format(access_token), json=json_data) except EnterpriseUnauthorizedException as e: print('Create task failed with error:', e.get_error_message())