Sub ExcelToJson() '定義變量 Dim wb As Workbook Dim sheet As Worksheet Dim rowNum As Integer Dim colNum As Integer Dim jsonStr As String Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer '打開文件 Set wb = Workbooks.Open("C:\data.xlsx") '選擇第一個工作表 Set sheet = wb.Worksheets(1) '獲取行數和列數 rowNum = sheet.UsedRange.Rows.count colNum = sheet.UsedRange.Columns.count '初始化Json字符串 jsonStr = "{""data"":[" '循環獲取數據 For i = 2 To rowNum jsonStr = jsonStr & "{" For j = 1 To colNum jsonStr = jsonStr & """" & sheet.Cells(1, j) & """:""" & sheet.Cells(i, j) & """" If j< colNum Then jsonStr = jsonStr & "," End If Next j jsonStr = jsonStr & "}" If i< rowNum Then jsonStr = jsonStr & "," End If Next i '結束Json字符串 jsonStr = jsonStr & "]}" '輸出Json字符串 Debug.Print jsonStr '關閉文件 wb.Close End Sub
上述代碼將Excel表格中的數據轉化為Json格式,并且將結果輸出到控制臺。代碼中使用了Excel VBA語言,通過逐行逐列遍歷Excel表格中的數據,并且將其轉化為Json格式。注意,代碼中需要將Json格式字符串中的雙引號進行轉義。