jQuery Mobile是一個用于創建移動應用的JavaScript框架,采用最新的HTML5和CSS3規范,可在各種移動設備上提供一致的外觀和體驗。而其中的on方法,則是jQuery Mobile中最常用的事件綁定方法之一,支持多種瀏覽器的觸摸和鼠標事件,并且自動處理跨設備的滾動、縮放和轉屏。下面簡單介紹一下on方法的相關使用。
// bind a click event to a button using on method // and also bind swipeleft event to the same button $("button").on("click swipeleft", function(){ console.log("Button was clicked or swiped left."); }); // remove all click and swipeleft events from the button $("button").off("click swipeleft"); // bind a delegated longpress event to a listview item $("#myList").on("taphold", "li", function(){ console.log("List item was long-pressed."); }); // remove the longpress event from all listview items $("#myList").off("taphold", "li");
上一篇html5 矩形代碼