#!/bin/bash # This script will help to optimize and clean up the MySQL registry tables. # Define MySQL username, password, and the list of registry tables to be skipped. mysql_user="your-user" mysql_password="your-password" mysql_skip_tables="mysql.system.*|mysql.servers|performance_schema" # Define the SQL command used to optimize the registry tables. optimize_sql="OPTIMIZE TABLE %s" # Define the SQL command used to clean up registry tables. cleanup_sql="DELETE FROM %s WHERE (NOW() - interval 30 day) >update_time;" # Define function to get the list of registry tables to be cleaned up. get_registry_tables() { local query="SHOW TABLES FROM mysql WHERE Tables_in_mysql REGEXP '^.*_registry$' AND Tables_in_mysql NOT REGEXP '${mysql_skip_tables}';" mysql -u${mysql_user} -p${mysql_password} -N -B -e "${query}" | tr '\n' ' ' } # Optimize registry tables. echo "Starting MySQL registry tables optimization..." for table in $(get_registry_tables); do mysql -u${mysql_user} -p${mysql_password} -e "$(printf "${optimize_sql}" "${table}")" >/dev/null done echo "MySQL registry tables optimization completed successfully." # Clean up registry tables. echo "Starting MySQL registry tables cleanup..." for table in $(get_registry_tables); do mysql -u${mysql_user} -p${mysql_password} -e "$(printf "${cleanup_sql}" "${table}")" >/dev/null done echo "MySQL registry tables cleanup completed successfully."
以上示例代碼可以通過 BASH 腳本運行,首先您需要設置正確的MySQL用戶名和密碼。此外,如果您希望跳過一些注冊表,則可以在 mysql_skip_tables 變量中設置正則表達式列表。最后,您可以通過 optimize_sql 和 cleanup_sql 變量來設置相應的SQL命令。
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